
Set of 20 interviews on audio cassettes 'Pioneers of Computing'

13 photographic prints

Photographs of ICI (Organics) Blackley plant, Manchester

PhD theses entitled: "Design of Superconducting Machines"

Scripts and recording of the BBC Radio 3 musical entertainment programme ‘Mischief-Making Moon’, presented by Patrick Moore

NASA Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary: Flight Operations Directorate Crew Training and Procedures Division

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

8 items

Collection of posters, flyers and artworks for posters relating to Factory Records

Brochure giving an overview of the activities of the research centre based at Wembley.

GEC Hirst Research Centre

c.50 (1 tube)

Integrated Photomatrix Limited

Collection of Ephemera Issued to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway

Certificate - Freedom of the City of Manchester presented to Sir Bernard Lovell

Poster advertising a Rabid Records benefit gig for Moss Side People's Centre

5 items

Collection of Posters relating to the Manchester Music and Creative Industries

0.4 linear metres

Manuals for the ICL 'One Per Desk' microcomputer

1 volume

Manual entitled: "The Manufacture of polyethylene by the ICI process. Volume 1A"

Kim Philby Reappears

1 roll

Mechanical parts drawings for South African locomotives


Chart of the Nuclides

BBC radio broadcast script for the musical entertainment programme 'Mischief-Making Moon'

1 roll

GEC Alsthom Limited drawings

1 item

Booklet titled "The CEGB and Nuclear Power Questions and Answers"


Centenary calendar of Standard Telephones and Cables Limited

2 items

GenAir Operations Logs

1 slide box containing 17 photographic slides

Flight of AVRO Shackleton from RAF Lossiemouth

29 items

Manuals and Documentation for Nascom Computer


Drawing of 9 litre reaction vessel for the production of polyethylene


Information booklet and kit: Make-it-yourself Astrolabe


Bound volume entitled: "History of British Moulded Hose Company Limited"

Durutti Column poster

A Certain Ratio, Durutti Column, Blurt poster

The Kim Philby Club

Promotional poster for John Cooper Clarke's Walking Back To Happiness

Original cassette recording of Joy Division's unreleased album for RCA recorded at Arrow Studio in 1978. Rob Gretton sent the tape to Jon Savage in summer 1978, with an introductory letter (now lost) in which he stated that the album was crap but he was sending it anyway.

Demo of Joy Division's first album for RCA

Six weekly editions of 'Communicable Disease Report' (CDR): /1 - 28 July 1978 /2 - 28 September 1979 /3 - 5 October 1979 /4 - 12 October 1979 /5 - 19 October 1979 /6 - 4 December 1981 (3 copies)

Collection of Communicable Disease Reports

0.2 linear metres

Documents relating to the Logabax mini computer

0.08 linear metres

Manuals and Archival material relating to the Acorn Atom Kit Computer


The National Maritime Museum Make-it-yourself Nocturnal Information booklet and Kit

2 items (32 pages & 24 pages)

Newspaper supplements of the Portsmouth Evening News relating to the Mary Rose ship

3 linear metres

Greater Manchester County Fire Service Computer Assisted Mobilising System

1 bundle of 9 items

Collection of Open University Computing Course Materials

2 boxes

Photograph Albums of Paper Making Machinery


PhD thesis entitled 'A History of Veloce Ltd-Motor Cycle manufacturers, Hall Green, Birmingham'

3 items

Advance 86 User Guide

Original typewritten script for the musical entertainment programme 'Mischief-Making Moon'

Durutti Column/Situationists promotional poster for The Factory

Science and Industry Museum corporate file titled:Directorate: Development of proposed museum at Liverpool Road site - draft declaration of trust, correspondence, minutes, site plans, instructions for counsel to advise, 1979-1980

1 item

Power: The Story of China Light by Nigel Cameron

Single by New Order. 12-inch vinyl in die-cut and printed card sleeve. Sleeve design by Peter Saville. The outer sleeve resembles a 5.25-inch floppy disk. The inner sleeve is silver. The design uses a colour based code to present information about the track titles and Factory catalogue number. The code on the front of the outer sleeve reads FAC 73 Blue Monday And The Beach New Order.

FACTUS 10 Blue Monday


Interview with R Page regarding the British chemical industry


A paper on the Industrial Archaeology of the Land's End Peninsula